How to spend less time studying using the timer hack | Meridian One

How to spend less time studying using the timer hack

How to spend less time studying using the timer hack


We’ve come across students who say a big problem for them is staying focused for long periods of time while studying.

How long is it that our brain can actually stay focused on a single task? 10 hours? 1 hour? 5 minutes?

The truth is our brain can only stay completely focused on a single task for 20-30 minutes before our concentration starts to decrease and so does our productivity.

Have you noticed that when you sit down to study after around 25 minutes your eyes start wandering, you’ll start to check facebook or your phone?

This is the time when your brain can no longer fully concentrate and is looking for things to distract you from your task.

So knowing this, how can you make sure your study sessions are productive?

Write down a specific task you want to achieve in your study session, and set a timer for 25 minutes.

This strategy means that your study sessions only consist of periods of time where your brain is working optimally.

Once the 25 minutes is up, take a 5 minute break doing whatever you like!

This allows your brain to rest and reset for your next 25 minute study block.

Within just a few days you will see your productivity increase and if you keep it up so will your marks.


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